miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Dealing with Anger

Dealing with Anger

It’s important to know that in any call centers there are different types of customers. As an agent, it’s important to take into account the different ways of dealing with angry customers it’s important that as an agent have the necessary patience and ability to help the customers. Every day most agents receive at least one call from a customer to receive a complaint, service or product. When a customer’s calls and is anger as an agent they always have to have that subtle posture and be able to give a solution to the customer.

It is for that reason that if a good interaction is managed between the client, it can lead us to a successful solution or lose the client, that is why it is important to know how to handle our emotions.

The use of intonation to express emotions is quite important and more if you are on a call with a furious customer, the use of proper intonation will contribute to better communication with the customer and a possible successful solution.

  Resultado de imagen para call center y customers anger

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